(Include introduction to the Large-Animal Vehicle Collision Hotspots Project)

Project Objectives:

1) Identify AVC hotspots on major Florida roads within the Florida Wildlife Corridor
2) Create a data layer for use in transportation project planning occurring within the Florida Wildlife Corridor.

Data and Methods:

  • Based on existing data of animal-vehicle collisions
    • Black Bear, Florida Panther, American Crocodile and animal-related accident reports
  • Utilized Getis Ord GI* statistic in ArcGIS to identify three levels of significance
    • Assesses probability of a road segment having a significantly higher-than-random proportion of observed collisions
    • Confidence levels of 99%, 95%, and 90%
    • Unit of measure: 1 mile road segments


•246 total hotspots; 104 hotspots at 99% confidence level; Highest # of hotspots in Districts 1 (84) and 3 (73)

•Hotspot layer tables include road and traffic characteristics and segments associated with conservation lands or proposed road projects

University of Florida College of Design, Construction and Planning

Architecture Building, PO Box 115701, 1480 Inner Road, Gainesville, FL 32611-5701

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