The Florida Ecological Greenways Network
The Florida Ecological Greenways Network (FEGN) is a statewide database that identifies and prioritizes a functionally connected statewide ecological network of public and private conservation lands. The FEGN guides the Florida Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT) ecological greenways conservation efforts, and promotes public awareness of the need for and benefits of a statewide ecological greenways network. It is the primary data layer used to inform Florida Forever, Rural and Family Lands Protection Program and other state, federal and regional land acquisition programs regarding the most important ecological corridors and intact landscapes across the state for protection of Florida’s native wildlife, ecosystem services and ecological resiliency. It is also the key layer providing the science foundation for the Florida Wildlife Corridor.
“The FEGN is the key layer providing the science foundation for the Florida Wildlife Corridor.”

The FEGN database was created and is maintained by Center staff. Tom Hoctor, Center Director, has led the creation, revision and implementation of the FEGN since its inception in 1995, including policy work to support protection of the FEGN with multiple state federal, regional and NGO partners. Key project partners include the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, Florida Conservation Group, and Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation, advisory group members who provide technical assistance and state agencies and foundations who provide technical assistance and funding.
Florida Wildlife Corridor Day 2024 at the Florida State Capitol.
Image Credit: Alex Freeze
One of the goals of the state greenways plan is to update the FEGN base boundary and priorities approximately every five years. The most recent update to the FEGN was completed in 2021, and additional updates are underway.
Primary goals of the update include:
- Revise priority areas important for biodiversity conservation based on new or updated data.
- Expand considerations of ecosystem services.
- Incorporate additional ecological connectivity models and ensure functional connectivity to other states.
- Address potential sea level rise impacts on FEGN priorities.
- Conduct boundary edits and data updates throughout the state.
FEGN Online Tools

The FEGN Viewer
The FEGN Map Viewer is designed to provide users access to the prioritized statewide Florida Ecological Greenways Network. Together with the FEGN (2021 edition) data layer, users will find existing and proposed conservation lands, growth projections, political boundaries, sea level rise projections, and several reference layers. The top three priority layers of the FEGN have been designated the Florida Wildlife Corridor (Senate Bill 976). The Florida Wildlife Corridor data layer is also included.

The FEGN Dashboard
The FEGN Dashboard allows users to explore opportunities and challenges associated with FEGN protection. Users can explore development trends, regional statistics for protected and unprotected land, and more.