Our Commitment to Students and Furthering Education
The Center for Landscape Conservation Planning provides learning and partnership opportunities for students:
- Center Faculty lead classes and studio courses
- Center Faculty and staff serve as advisors, chairs and committee members for:
- Undergraduate Capstones
- Master’s Thesis Projects
- PhD Dissertations
- BLA, MLA and PhD students are regularly hired to assist with Center project and research initiatives
“The US Forest service entered into a partnership agreement with the Center to engage their expertise in innovative, creative, sustainable concept designs for Ocala National Forest’s Springs. The final projects presented by the students were nothing short of inspired, and all met the mission goals of the agency. The power of working with the landscape architecture studios came from the faculty guiding the explorations of so many creative and highly trained student minds.
The Forest Service was able to form an overall concept from the many inputs of the energized, creative and impassioned students. “
– Carrie Sekerak, District Ranger for USDA Forest Service, Ocala National Forest